¨ Introduction
Having your own digital products gives you the
ability to generate a 6-figure online business which will sell for you online
24/7, 365 days a year on autopilot.
Selling information products are not only cheap
to produce, they are also very easy to produce.
A successful info product is one that gives
people information, usually a solution to some sort of problem.
Information products can be made in video form,
as an eBook, or as an audio recording.
Creating digital info products is a lot easier
than you think (when you know how)
Your product doesn’t need to be perfect
Your biggest hurdle to overcome in actually
creating your information product is your mindset.
Problems Is Profitable
To generate profitable digital products, they
need to solve a problem
¨ Make sure the problem it solves has a mass audience
If in doubt always go for niches which all
already proven to sell well
If a product already exists, that is a good
sign, this should not put you off, you can always create your own version with
your twist
People buy multiple products in the niches they
have interest in
A product that solves a problem people are
looking for quickly and easily is a sure-fire winner.
Power of
Having a brand makes you appear unique
A brand identify will provide you with customer
Use a consistent brand theme so people recognize
If you don’t have design skills, outsource them
cheaply on freelance sites
Get a logo made for your brand
Find a USP
To stand out from the rest of the crowd, you
need to be unique
Come up with a unique twist or angle to your
Very important when entering niches with lots of
Target sub niches of your main niche if
Find winning products proven to sell and add
your unique twist
¨ Creating Digital Products
Digital products come in all formats, eBooks,
video, audio etc.
Choose the right format for your product, a
format which will help you explain the solution the best
Ebooks – you can use Microsoft Word or Open
Video – Use a screen recording tool, or a camera
Audio – Audacity is a great open-source audio
tool for products like interviews
Get a digital cover made for your product.
Design it yourself or outsource it on freelance sites.
Fast Product Creation Methods
There are many ways you can create digital
products very quickly.
Recording your own tips and advice
Turn existing content into products
Update/Republish Existing Information
Co-Create A Product
Help Finish Incomplete Projects
Purchase 'Private Label' Rights
Hands-On Video or Camtasia Presentations
Create A Package Using Existing Products
Public Domain Information
Case Studies
Checklists and/or "Top 10" Lists
Sell Your Ideas
Hold A Contest
Templates, Forms, Etc. ¨ Resources
Directories and Guides
Capitalize on Trends and Fads
Sort Your
PST stands for Price, Sales Page and
Get your price right, base it on your
Think about giving away some free information or
part of your product to free to build a list and then sell your product
Create your sales page, study the sales pages of
profitable products and model the structure
Come up with a benefit driven headline for the
top of your sale page
Structure your copy on the sale page in small
paragraphs, and sub headings. Also use bullet points.
Make sure your page has a clear call to action
“Get Access to This Product Now”
Use real scarcity. If your product is limited in
copies or is closing with X hours, make sure you stick to it, don’t say it will
close, or say the price will increase and then don’t action that.
Start gathering testimonials to put on your
sales page
Provide free copies of your product to friends,
people in forums/ groups in exchange for reviews.
The Sell
You can have the best product in the world, you
need to sell it to people who need it to make profit
If you have a list, make sure you email them
about your new product, offer them a better deal than anywhere else.
Start sending at least 1 JV letter per day, to
get JV’s on boards in promoting your launch in exchange for a commission.
Experiment with paid advertising like Google Ads
and Bing Ads to get customers and sales
Offer your product in the Warrior Forum Special
offer section if its related to marketing.
Start putting you product on marketplaces like
Clickbank, Jvzoo and Warrior Plus
Offer affiliates good commission and support as
one good JV can get you hundreds of sales. They do all the leg work in driving
traffic to your product.
of Success
Stop buying multiple eBooks and start using this
step-by-step plan
Take action, consistent action in creating your
first information product
It takes work to get results
The path to success is all down to you. One
person will create a digital product empire with this information and other
will do nothing.
If you ever question is the work worth it, will
it work, just know its all worth it and it does work!
Once you create your first product, make sales
and get customers. You have the blueprint to rinse and repeat.
Get your product good enough and out there
Always improve your product over time with
feedback from your audience
Test, track and improve everything you do
Remember to always make your offer unique
Each little improvement will make you products
conversion rate better which equals more money in your pocket.
Anyone can do this